Friday, January 30, 2009


So until now, I have basically just been posting the ad straight out of the catalog into this slot and then filling in a little more. But in an effort to improve my writing, editing and publishing skills, I am now going to read the ad, and re write it in my own words and then provide a review. So here goes, for all my many many followers. (cough)! There you see Winkel in young Luca's hand, he might even be a little old for it, if flys nicely like a ball then. And bounces quite well. It is pliable plastic coloured loops that are easy to grasp. Can be refridgerated for a cooling teether as well, very versatile. Bright colors and even the youngest of children will like this. Cheers for now, don't forget to chose Carolyn Staples as your Kidsmart Rep.
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